Magicka Dragonknight

Author: @Decimus

Last Updated: November 15th, 2024 (Update 44)


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Slot 1 Race Against Time
Slot 2 Flames of Oblivion
Slot 3 Igneous Weapons
Slot 4 Resolving Vigor
Slot 5 Coagulating Blood
Ultimate Corrosive Armor

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Slot 1 Chains of Devastation
Slot 2 Deep Breath
Slot 3 Fiery Contingency
Slot 4 Shattering Rocks
Slot 5 Molten Whip
Ultimate Ferocious Leap

Contingency Scripts: Flame Damage+Warrior’s Opportunity+Vulnerability

The Shadow










Heroism (Stamina + Magicka)


  • Usual Single Target Rotation: Flames of Oblivion->Chains of Devastation->Deep Breath->Fiery Contingency->Shattering Rocks->Molten Whip. The idea here is to setup maximum burst and landing it with the Shattering Rocks stun. You can also choose to stun after the Molten Whip when fighting tankier targets – if you land your burst unblocked you have higher chances of killing your opponent if you stun them at low health.


  • Usual AoE Rotation: Flames of Oblivion->Deep Breath->Fiery Contingency->Fiery Contingency->Deep Breath. Keep in mind you can still switch straight to single target from here if necessary. In a bigger fight you’ll want to switch to single target after Null Arca procs, since proccing it with an AoE crit also makes the proc AoE, hitting everyone you critted with your AoE ability.


  • When playing this build keep in mind your Corrosive up time and your mobility. You’ll want to avoid fighting outnumbered (or at all) if your Corrosive is not up – the amount of speed this build runs allows you to choose when and where to fight. Most of your ultimate generation happens on the restoration staff bar, so try to stay on it until Corrosive is available.


  • For maximum damage, combine the Corrosive with your Acuity set. Note: this is not always necessary and sometimes you’ll want to use them separately.


  • Only use Ferocious Leap if absolutely necessary! It is cheaper than Corrosive and may let you live (or get a kill) sometimes, but Corrosive is what the build is all about.


  • You can sometimes take risks going offensive with a Shattering Rocks CC, as the skill also provides a burst heal when opponent CC breaks.